One of my favorite blogging series is the "Personal Style Defined Series" by Paloma at La Dolce Vita. Paloma always chooses interesting people to participate and discuss their personal style. So, when she asked me to be a guest blogger for her series I was only too thrilled to say "YES"! Well, actually I was nervous too, but I try not to listen to that part of my head or I'd do absolutely nothing.
I really want to thank Paloma for asking me to do this. I never really sat down and thought about my design style in this way. I explain why at the beginning of my guest post. To check out my post on La Dolce Vita click here. I would love for you to leave a comment about what you think about my style!
Also, a big THANK YOU to those of you who have voted for the bedroom that Steve and I entered in the All the Best Bedroom Contest. Right now we are in second place. If you haven't voted yet, you can vote here. It would be a great way to show your appreciation of our work. Thank you again. :)
Oh and to see more images of our bedroom entry click here!